I fell for it ☹️


My ex broke up with me like days ago and two days ago hits me up at one am and tells me that he loves me and misses me and regrets breaking up with me. We tell each other how we feel and we realize and Accept our mistakes and all the things we lacked in our relationship. He sends me our pictures and videos from all the happy times we had & how he wants to be with me. But then I tell him he shouldn't be texting me cz he's already seeing girls and moved on and said no that he can be talking to girls and seeing them but that he don't love them like he loves me and whatever he does he always thinks about me. So we talk till 5 am and we ended up agreeing to talk face to face to see if we can try and work it out again later on. Cz he said he wanted me back and my stupid self said the same thing. He said he wanted me and another chance and that's what I wanted too. But Next day he dubs me and I see he's hanging out with this girl the whole day when the night before told me that she's a dub and that he don't want nothing with her cz she's this and that. That when she kisses him he don't feel attracted and feels nothing for her right. But then I see they together and he took her to his job again. I text him telling him wtf what happened about last night, you just lied about it? And he has the audacity to say that I didn't answer your texts because I don't want to go back. I want you but I can't, people tell me not to. So i was left shattered because it was so immature of him to do that to me and I fell for it.☹️ day after my mom texts him telling him to leave me alone & then I see he unfriended me from snap so now he can't see my stuff. We don't have each other on no social media either. I don't think he'll ever contact me after my mom told him to stop playing around and to not bother me no more😪Shit is crazy. I decided to erase him from the account that I would see him on☹️ cz seeing what he posts hurts me cz it's with that girl and whoever else. I miss him a lot but I guess I do have to move on now☹️ I'm his first love and he's mine and I don't know if with time we will ever cross paths again. Idk how to cope with this, we were together for so long. Even though he did me wrong so many times I'm still here wishing for him to come back and for him to be sure this time to try again but I know that's wrong for me to do. This hurts is much☹️