Math professor is kind of a douche

I take math class online, and my professor is in a different state. The math homework is on a website that locks you out if it’s not turned in on time. So it can’t be done late for partial credit (like the rest of the work) or anything. Which is fine obviously since technically we don’t have to be given partial credit for any late work. I emailed him this past weekend informing him of the hurricane coming and that I’d likely lose power. And since I rely solely on internet connection to get work done, I wanted to let him know ahead of time. His response was that he will pray for safety but to try and make it to a Starbucks if I lose power to get my work done. Umm...what? I have 3 small kids, a deployed husband, and an entire household to hold down. I will not go to a Starbucks in the middle of down trees and flooding. Not that they’d be open anyway. So then I spent the next two days trying to secure my home and shopping for supplies. My homework was due Monday morning. I did work on it some throughout the week, but weekends are my most productive time and I just didn’t get to it. Then Monday morning we were ordered to evacuate. So I did, and I called my school counselor and let her know. I just now got to be able to submit a late work petition so I could do my late work, and my math professor told me he’d give me more time for this week, but that I should’ve had my homework done before the weekend last week. So he wouldn’t grant that. And said he saw the evacuation was for the 12th, not the 10th. Which is not true. Every local news station announced the order on Monday the 10th. It’s all over the internet. And yeah I get it..I could’ve had the work completed before the weekend. But’s not due before the weekend. So why am I punished for not having it done BEFORE the weekend (or 3 days before the due date). I just feel like he’s being a tad insensitive and has been from the beginning. My family is my #1 priority. Even if it means I don’t get my work done in a timely manner. I wish I had the power to request a new professor. But I suppose I’ll deal with shit heads for the rest of my life. Better get used to it now.