TTC, is this positive? Way more to the question please help😩



I am trying to conceive our final baby #4... I had my Mirena removed August 12, on aug 14th I bled for 4 days.. I wasn’t sure if I should count that as a period but I did since it was a medium/heavy flow for four days. I followed glow and had sex all through my fertile window... AF was supposed to come 9/12. Nothing.. I tested and got BFN. So i randomly decide to take an ovulation strip test (just got them delivered a few days ago) and it seems to be positive. Took a few more they all came out the same. Do you think it is possible that maybe I am ovulating? Maybe the bleeding I experienced wasn’t AF and my cycle is trying to get back on track..? Have any of you had similar experiences after IUD removal? Any and all input is welcome! Of course I don’t expect to get pregnant so soon but I am just dying to have my cycle back on track😖