How do deal with jealousy as a grown woman?


So here's the situation.

I've just gotten into a new relationship with a very nice guy. It's been about 2 months and things have been going smoothly. Ive met his family, the friends like me, we've gone on multiple dates and everything seems fine. But here's the issue:

He has a 4 month old son that lives in a few states away. Him and his Ex were together for a bit, but they broke up and he moved back home. Shortly after that she tells him she's pregnant. He gets daily updates and pictures of the baby and he's a proud supportive father even though he cant be there physically. The issue is that his baby's mother and him are really close. At least when it comes to Facebook. She comments on everything he post, he responds, they joke around and everything. But even though i can see all these things, online it bothers me how well they get along.

I dont say anything to him because i want them to be on good terms so he can still have his updates on the baby. Once she found out we were dating she refused to give him pictures for a week and i dont want that to happen again since it hurt him alot. But i just cant stop being bothered over how much they communicate outside of talking about the baby. It feels like they're flirting. And i cant see his personal messages with her.

He says he wants to be with me, even said he loves me plenty of times. But ugh something is bothering me over them two. he never gave me a reason to be untrustworthy of him though. Am i wrong for feeling jealous? Is it just something i have to get use to dating someone with children?

Help? :(

sorry for all the grammer and spelling issues. Im moderately dyslexic and always had problems in the grammer department.