Dear diary i suck a being female


Is been 90 days since my last menstrual cycle and I’m slowly starting to lose hope I started off super determined tracking my ovulation by testing every morning and mid day & being intimate every other day i even bought a pregnancy announcement card on Etsy that is now gathering dust in my jewelry box to

Now having sex once or twice every two weeks and not <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> at all.

I work a lot and I’ve been very Very moody

I have PCOS so i suck at being female!!

And to top it all off my gynecologist is at a clinic Who gives me the freaking runaround every time I call and tells me that there’s no appointments I have to be a walk in and the only day of the week I’m off is on a Monday....I literally work every other day

And my gynecologist won’t help me unless I do a biopsy because last November i had a 7 month menstrual cycle

Because I had an 1 in a Million Side effect

To my depression medicine that caused menstrual bleeding as soon as I stop the medicine the Extreme bleeding went away and I mean extreme my gynecologist thought I was hemorrhaging

but i told him nah I’m not dying i just need a birth control prescription which he denied but i lived to tell the story

On a lighter note I no longer have very thick lining in my uterus

But my psychologist took my depression medicine away

Because bleeding is not OK even if I’m happy 😃