Really struggling with body image and c section birth

Body image is something I have really struggled with all my life. After having an emergency c section, I have felt horrible about every little piece of my body. I have been struggling with why I have had a c section birth and why I didnt get to give birth the right way. I have been struggling with the pain. I have been having flashbacks of my labor that makes me cry. And now, I’m having a hard time with the way my body looks. Before pregnancy I was small and fit. I started off at 115 pounds and gained up to 166 pounds when I went into labor. I cannot stand looking at my stomach in the mirror. Like I legitimately hate my body now.

I know I brought a human being into the world, which I am grateful for and proud of. However, the insecurity that I’m feeling sucks, especially since it is something I have always struggled with. What are some things y’all have done to get over this postpartum phase? I’m not cleared to exercise yet, but I have to get my mind somewhere otherwise it’s going to drive me crazy (and my boyfriend too because he feels helpless)