Holding Baby

Today I was asked by my Sister in laws if I wanted them to hold my baby while I went outside I told them no it's fine I'm okay. Later on that turned into I didn't allow them to hold their niece according to what they told my husband. I mean if they wanted to hold her I feel like they should of asked Hey can we hold her not if I wanted them to hold her... Is that a trick question?? I genuinely was fine taking baby with me I don't understand how they took that as me "hogging" my baby if they would of asked to hold her simply cause they wanted to I would of more then likely said yes and before this they were sitting right next to me not even seeming to have interest in holding her. IDK maybe its just me but this kind of irritated me.. Was I in the wrong? FTM & She's only a month old. Also this was at a very crowded birthday party so I didn't want to just leave my child out of my sight.