RANT My MIL is crazy...is yours too? Drop your story!

My husband and I have been together about 7 years. His mother was my direct neighbor and he lived across the street when me met. I'll save you the long drama and get to the point. MIL is nuts, always has been. She was drinking malt liquor with her meds for years. Then she hurt her knee and somehow ended up living in a hospital. Now she is out, living in a board and care, but can barely walk. Sad....but dude she's annoying. She asks me how much I weigh nearly every time I see her. I'm overweight. I don't want to discuss it and I've told her this. She asked me if my husband is good in bed recently! WTF?!? She asks about my husbands ex usually more than once when we visit. She will compliment my shirt and then ask if she can have it. My husband makes more money than I do, so I have to take time off of work to take her to doctors appointments. She calls and SAYS she needs me to do this and that for her, doesn't ask, just assumes. I'm sick of it. She is on ssi, but hoards money. Then, she ends up with too much money in her account and wants us to hide it for her.....BUT she will say she can't afford stupid stuff like a coloring book that she keeps asking for (I live 45 minutes away from her and forgot the stupid coloring book at home). She does stuff like asks us to hide money for her, then says she can't afford to buy lunch. Last I saw her she looked off her meds. She called my phone and I asked my step daughter to answer it. My MIL told my kid that someone gave her a wonderful bath and how much she loved having someone lotion and powder her up. SHE IS NOT UNABLE TO WASH HERSELF!!! She is just LAZY! I literally cut all her hair off with scissors years ago because she had lice for months and refused to treat it. I have requested her to be analyzed by a doctor to decide if she can make decisions on her own still, and they said she is fine... TWICE! My only day off this week, she scheduled a doctors appointment for 4pm 😠 To top this off, her son, my husband says he can't take time off work to help her BUT he magically got a day off last week at a moments notice to go to a concert with our neighbor. I don't want to deal with his mother if he can do it himself! Ugh, I don't know what to do. Got a crazy MIL? Let's compare horror stories!