Missing Work?

Alexis • 22 year old momma to a sweet baby boy ❤️

So I found out I was pregnant at 4w5d. And everything was fine, as in hardly any symptoms aside from being extra tired, up until the first day of my 6th week. On that day I started having terrible nausea that has slowly (over the course of 4 days) expanded from morning to lasting all day. At first eating crackers and other bland foods would subdue me for at least half an hour. Now the nausea doesn’t budge even if I eat. I have yet to get sick but the only thing that seems to make me feel better is forcing myself to lay down and sleep. Also when I do fall asleep I sleep undisturbed for hours. About 3 or 4 extra hours during the day with about 6 or 7 at night. My question is has anyone stayed home from work through the first trimester? I obviously need money to save up for when baby comes but I’m useless during the day especially the mornings (my days start at 7 am). Any advice would be great thank you!!