How To Adjust To Daycare?


I have been SAHM since daughter was born except for a 9 weeks when she was small, but I am ready to go back to work. She will be 11 months old and will start on Oct 1st. She was around 6 weeks premature but the only thing she’s behind on is eating. The daycare provides all meals included in price, but since she won’t be eating what the other kids eat at first I’ll supply everything which I am totally fine with. They ask we don’t bring too much because the kids have small cubbies so just a small backpack and small blankie. We buy a large pack of wipes every month and they are communal. We toured and I liked the staff and the classrooms were small and everything was very very clean. How do we adjust? Her naps aren’t on their schedule of 11-2. She’s kind of clingy. I’m just nervous. She will be there 9-6 four days a week. I was very impressed especially with the price ($164 a week). Any advice is appreciated!