Breast feeding struggles

I am really struggling with breast feeding. I am producing milk no problem, but my 6 day old bites down when he starts sucking and my nipples are raw and bloody. I have lanolin cream and gel pads to help soothe them, and they kind of work.... but only in between feedings. As soon as my son starts showing he is hungry I feel dread at the pain I know is coming. Nipple shields don’t help. Changing positions for the feedings doesn’t help.

I want to breast feed, and I am ok with giving bottles of breast milk, but he is so young bottles are not recommended for another 2 weeks. Tonight we didn’t have much choice, every time he latches on I cry and my husband and I agreed that that is not good for me or baby. He accepted the bottle well. I’m hoping once my nipples have a chance to rest he goes back to the breast easily.

Anyone have a similar issue? How did you teach the baby not to bite down?