Strong love photo landmark thingy

Anika • Respect is earnt, not given 💞

I've sent this a LOT on here and I think it's absolutely amazing!!

It's that thing where you write "*person*, *persons* love for you is so strong we can feel it in *place"*

Ithink it would be really cool to get loads of photos like this done for his birthday; which is in November. So could any of you ladies please write up a sign and take a picture of where u live (hopefully something iconic or famous about it, or just like a sign idk)? It would mean a lot and then out as a great present for him!!

I'm in new Zealand so I think it would be cool to give him something with photos of places we could go to (we want to go travelling together someday)!!

If the sign could read:

"Fin, Anika's love for you is so strong we can feel it in (wherever you are)!"

Or alternatively - Finley instead of Fin? I think a mixture would be quite cool!

I know this is quite a lot of work and something big to ask for but this is the widest platform I have!! Thank you to everyone who even considers this!!!

& This is us: 14 Months (1 year 2 Months)❤️

Also if anyone want one done from New Zealand then I will do it! ❤️