No baby at Ultrasound HELPP😩

Sile • 🦋🌹 , 🌈 🙏

I’m suppose to be 10 weeks , .. and 5 days

LMP July 5, conception July 21st

Had ultrasound today

They saw nothing .. I thought it was bc introverted uterus. Nah. Just only saw just gestational fluid


Ladies . What you think .

Update: They scheduled for my surgery next Friday . They said the. Baby only grew a week from my appointment on Sept 5. Welp they said I could get a ultrasound 2 days before & I just got blood drawn to check my levels. I hope it happens naturally I hate surgery 😩: I cried but I think I’m okay😤💪🏾. Just lastnight I read to my “baby”, sang to it & read a scripture every night since my BFP. Life is so precious 😊