I Feel Like I’m Just Going to Break...

Lately, my relationship has gone so downhill with my dad. He’s an alcoholic and has been for as long as I can remember, at least 7-8 years and our relationship has always been rocky but for some reason it seems to have gotten worse. He drinks way way too much to the point where he’s fucked up his stomach and his legs/feet have swollen 3x their size. He’s always distant and I never see him because he’s always upstairs or in the garage hiding away. The only person he’s nice to is my sister and that’s bc she’s too oblivious. He’s mean to everyone else, especially my mom lately. In the last 6 months I’ve been dating a guy who’s overall amazing, but my dad has always caused awkwardness between his relationship w both of us because he judges him for his piercings, doesn’t have a job (he wants to work but has no transportation), and likes to be over a lot (he’s really weird about it and idk why) A few weeks ago my mom drilled into him about him not spending time w me so he told me he wanted to take me out to lunch after work. I went (but didn’t want to bc who wants to hangout with someone who was forced to?) and he heard me out about my side of things and it seemed like he understood. But last night he looked my autistic brother in the face and lied about not drinking anymore (after my brother threatened to run away and drink to show him how he feels) only to stumble around the kitchen an hour later and I found out from my grandpa today that my boyfriend had been talked about to his family. (Side note: my dads parents BABY him bc he’s the youngest.) And idk why but it just broke me. After so many years of this I just can’t do it anymore. Idk what to do. I feel so heartbroken my dad would betray all of us like this ... 💔