MIL advice involving car seat.


My husband said he went and visited his mom while i was at work the other day. They went for a ride in her new car and took my son who will be 2 in two months. He is rear facing in my car. I can’t bring myself to forward face yet. It’s just not safe in my opinion. My husband said she had my son forward facing and told my husband she has had him forward for awhile 😭 YALL. This is bothering me so bad. I am definitely going to say something, but I’m not sure how to go about it without pissing her off and causing drama. Help me word what I need to say before I flip my lid!!

UPDATE: Thank you ladies. I dropped him off with her today and it went smoother than planned. I had got him out of my car and she had her car open and ready for him. I seen the car seat forward facing and just looked at her and she was like “Oh yeah I need to turn that around”.. 🙄 so problem solved without me saying anything lol