Pregnant? Ovulating?


So I’m about to confuse all of you so I’ll do my best to explain clearly.

I quit taking the pill and started bleed heavily for five days or so. During that time I was testing for ovulation and I got blinky smile faces after the third day of bleeding. Being a pee on a stick addict I ran out before I got that solid smiley. My husband and I baby danced as much as we could and now I’m waiting for a positive or negative pregnancy test. I picked up more ovulation tests and pregnancy tests. I would be 9 DPO today. I took a pregnancy test yesterday knowing it would be too early and got a negative. I also took a ovulation test and got negative as expected. Today I took another ovulation test and got a blinky smiley face! What the hell does that mean?? Is is picking up something my pregnancy test won’t yet??