Who should I pick? Please help!

I’m going insane.

So background: I’m a junior in high school my boyfriend Tyler is a senior. We’ve been together for 1.5 years. We agree on our future together and I know if I stay with him I can have the kind of life I want with marriage and kids and commitment. I love his family and I’m very close to them. Our relationship is really up and down sometimes we have days where everything is good but then we will get into fights where he calls me stupid or insults my family (who I admit aren’t perfect).

So I have a coworker, Edward who is also a senior but at a different school. I really like Edward and I’m pretty sure he likes me too because he kind of asked me out before he knew I have a boyfriend and we snapchat all day and he remembers all the things I tell him. I havent felt this excited about someone in a long time. I honestly want to be with Edward but Tyler is so wrapped up in my life and we have the same friends that I don’t know if I could break it off. I also don’t know if Edward would be as committed as Tyler due to some comments he made but he has been in a two year relationship before. I don’t want to give up what I worked so hard on with Tyler if I’m just going to have a throw away relationship with Edward. Either way they are both going to college next year and I know Tyler would stay with me but I don’t know how things would turn out with Edward. Tyler is such a big part of my life I don’t even know if I could let him go or if I would regret it later.

I’m so confused and I can’t talk to anyone in my life because if I stay with Tyler my friends can’t know that I was questioning it.

Sorry about the long post I just really don’t know what to do. I’m really into Edward but I wonder if maybe I’m just into him because things with Tyler aren’t great rn. I’m worry things with Edward will be good at first then just get bad again like with Tyler. How do I know if I should break up with him or if it would work out with Edward?

I’m so desperate for some sort of advice I’m posting about it on the internet.... please help!!!