Who or what is your baby named after?


So just curious who did you name your baby after? Or what did you name them after? Or I guess you could have just liked the name for the meaning or just because...

I have always thought names were interesting so when we were picking names I put a lot of thought into it.

My daughter is named Annabelle Sarah🎀

Sentimental meaning:

Annabelle - after my great grandmother and also my husbands mom and grandma and great grandmother all have Ann somewhere in their names. And well I’ve always liked Belle from beauty and the beast so that was a nice bonus! 😂

Sarah - after my grandma and my husbands mom always wanted to us that name but she never had a girl.

Name meanings:

Annabelle - English= gracious, beautiful, loving Latin= lovable, graceful Gaelic= Joy (I love all of these and they describe my little girl perfectly! Another bonus, I loved that Annabelle is Gaelic since I have ancestors from Ireland/Scotland area☘️)

Sarah - Hebrew/Biblical= Lady; Princess; princess of the multitude (I actually was never too fond of names that meant princess when I was younger but as I got older I changed my mind. Esp know what an important part Sarah in the Bible had in the history of man kind and the princess things does fit with the Belle part again 🤣 why not! 🤷‍♀️)

Here’s our happy little princess 👸🏻

So what thoughts went into naming your little one(s)?