Miscarriage/progesterone/Hcg levels dropped... *long post*

Niki • Niki|29|NC|CA 👼 Everleigh Shae Villalta 2-1-18. 👼 Nova Raine Villalta 9-18-18

So i was due this month on the 9th with my little girl that i lost earlier this year. My tests with her & 1 of her ultrasounds below:

The day after i was due, the 10th, i took a test and it was positive! Test below:

More like test(S) huh? Lol i could not believe it, i was so OVER THE MOON 😍.

On the 13th i confirmed it with a pregnancy center in town! Due May 14th 2019! Started taking prenatals immediately and downloaded Glow <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">Nurture</a>! The following day i started spotting light brown, then light pink then some red and then reddish brown... I have pictures... But for the weak ill not show them... Anyways, It slacked off some BUT i called my OB and was sceduled that day at 2pm for beta tests. I was in and out. The Doctor called me right before 5pm and by the time i saw the missed call they were already closed. Well that night i started cramping, nothing like period cramps much lighter and nothing i should have been alarmed about but because of my previous miscarraige... The pregnancy anxiety came out. I didnt stress it but the next day i called the on call doctor for my provider. She told me that shr wasnt in front of the computer at that moment so she couldnt give me my results from the day befores tests but she said if i was the woman whose progesterone levels were low then she would call me back and call in some medicine. Guess who that woman was... Yup. Me. But at the time i was more relieved it was just... That. But my luck though, ya know? Well she called in Progesterone suppositories... 100mg, 1 pill taken vaginally twice daily. I started saturdat night with one, and have been regularly taking them like clock work. Every morning at 8 and every afternoon at 8. I went in monday, yesterday, the 17th for my second beta test at 2pm. Again, i was in and out. Well arouns 3ish i had a missed call again with my OB. I called back and a nurse had said that my levels looked normal for an early pregnancy (5w2d) that again my progesterone levels were lower than her liking and that i needed to take progesterone pills amd i had informed her i filled my prescription Saturday. Well today... I have yet another missed call from my OB... I call back and the nurse now onforms me that my results are in and my first tests were 64 and my second was 17... That this wont be a viable pregnancy or baby. They have me scheduled for next Tuesday, the 25th... i didnt ask what for... I really didnt give a crap. I really dont know what to feel... Im confused, hopeful, sad, and yet still calm. Im still having symptoms. Occasional nausea, occasional vommiting, tender breasts, pissing every 20-30 mins, irritable, vivid dreams, food aversions... I looked up some things online AND on here... Some womens hcg have dropped and ending up rising and even doubling faster and had a successful pregnancy but i doubt id be that lucky... I dont want to get my hopes up. I just hope that one day im able to have a baby of my own and be the mother ive always wanted to be.