Rainbow baby


We experienced a miscarriage at the end of July/ early August. We’d been trying for 7 long months. We were so excited to find out we were pregnant, but that only lasted a week. As soon as the miscarriage ended we decided we wanted to try again. I didn’t think we’d get a positive pregnancy test for a long time. But last Wednesday I noticed my period was a week late, my boobs were so sore I could barely take my bra off without cringing. So I tested, while I was waiting I was talking myself through it being negative, it’s okay, it’ll happen. I looked down to see a faint positive. I went out and bought different tests. All 4 come back positive. So we went to the dr, last time we didn’t even register on their pregnancy test. We had to do blood work, and by that time I was already starting to miscarry. But this time it showed positive. I felt like that was a good sign. We did more blood work, they called me the next day and said the counts were low, but they thought I was just early so to go back twice this week. Monday night I found that I had a test left so I took it hoping to ease my nerves. If the line is darker than last week then this baby is growing. I took it and it was a lot darker. I’ve been so nauseous, terrible heartburn, craving food just to get it and not want it, sleeping and crying like it’s no ones business. So today I went for the blood work. In the back of my mind I can’t help but worry... but I’m hoping they call tomorrow and my counts have gone up and I get to keep this blessing! 🤞🏻🤞🏻