Pregnant and planning wedding


I decided not to Invite my aunt to my wedding or anything baby related. Some and actually most think I made this decision bc I’m ‘hormonal’ which first of all just never tell a woman that ever! Any ways I made the decision after having dealt with my aunt and her ego for a year now! She made 3 separate scenes at my father’s funeral, she’s made a scene on every vacation this year she’s been on. Unfortunately I don’t feel a connection to her bc she was never in my life bc of her actions. My decision not to invite her was one of wanting a drama free pregnancy and wedding. I get to be selfish for atleast one day and I hate drama so why should I invite her just to make nice. Not to sound cold but I need to do what’s best for me and that is not having certain people around. Even her own daughter has a strained relationship with her bc of how my aunt treats people. I’m just over it.