Rant time 🙄

My “best friend” owes me money for picking her up from work one time. Mind you I pick her up almost every day and she works like 20-30 minuets from me. I ask her one time to give me gas money and then I totally forgot about it and just let it go. I asked her for the money yesterday because I just remembered. She said she’d get it to me tomorrow which is today. Well today she messages me and asks if I still needed it and asked if I could take her to the bank. At this time I got off work, went strait to my moms house because my apartments don’t have washer and dryers and I needed to do laundry badly. My car is also overheating and needs to go in the shop asap so I can’t just drive all around town that much. I told her that I was busy at my moms doing laundry and that when I’m done I can take her. We literally live 1 block away from a Walmart where she could easily go get cash back. Then I told her that I’d be busy for awhile and she gets mad because I can’t come get her and says that she wants to go to bed early and dosnt want to stay up late. Then I tell her I will ask someone else and she makes an I direct status about me saying

”When someone doesn't give you something... you sure do act like a rude petty bitch.... 🤣”

What do I do? She’s very sensitive and if I mention it she will blow up on me. Am I wrong for being mad?