When should you tell your kids they’re adopted?

Allie • Married since 2013 💍

I was listening to a local radio show this morning. A woman called in to say that her and her husband wanted to take DNA tests together, but she got a buy 3 get 1 free deal. Her daughter wanted the third one, and she wanted one for her boyfriend that she’d been with for a long time and was living with. Her mother didn’t think anything of it and told her she could have them when they arrived.

Now it gets interesting..

The boyfriends mother got word of the DNA tests, and called the mother to ask her to please not give her son the test because he was actually adopted and didn’t know it. She didn’t want him to find out with the DNA test. Keep in mind, this is a grown man.

What would you do?

I think I might have to fib a bit and tell my daughter they made a mistake and only sent two DNA tests.