Gender Neutral


Okay before I start, this is not the same as raising your children to be gender neutral. Also, I know that we (or I) can not control how those chose to raise their children, that’s not what this is nor is it any type of judgment. Just an idea that was presented in a class.

So I’m in a women, gender, and sexuality studies class. We were talking about preferred pronouns, she asked our on the first day and told us hers. She proposed the idea of always asking preferred pronouns among meeting new people. And then to take that a step further, she said “imagine if you all have children, and teach your children to 1) ask pronouns, or 2) never assume them” (I.e using they/them until told otherwise)

What do you guys think? Is it beneficial to raise children with the idea that not everyone is what they appear? Would you do it with your children? I’m on the fence still because I’m not sure how to teach that to my son.