Grandmother and she wasn't my parent!!!

I didn't have a choice then, but I do now! My grandmother is my problem. And now that I'm making something of myself and doing something with my life compared to her children, it's a problem. I've been dealing with her ish for 29years. I found out the real truth about everything the week of my father's funeral, May 9th, 2018, 3 days before my bday. When I found out that my Dad passed away she fussed me out for that too. I told my mom and she's been quiet because she's ready to let her have it anyways. My grandmother took me away from my mother after I was born without rhyme nor reason. She's been trying to turn me against both of my parents telling me they never wanted me, but my grandmother had been treating me like ish for 28years. My Aunt has been there with me while trying to raise her son, she's been more of a mom to me than my grandmother. My grandmother banned me from seeing my mother, why then, I'll never know. But I've had to adult sooner than most. So no social life or hanging at parties or whatever, I wasn't allowed to have any friends or anything. I lived the sheltered life, it sucked. No cable, no cool aid, no fun!!! But now, I'm tired of it because she think she can talk to me any kind of way, yet I'm taking care of her azz!!!! Well as soon as I move out she won't have anything. My aunt will probably follow suit and leave too!!! She's fussed me out numerous of times, that ish is stressful. She doesn't care as long as it makes her look good. I stopped going to church because the lies she would tell, to keep her looking good. My mom, is my voice now, so they know what's been going on and can't believe my grandmother would stoop that low as a person. It's bad, my mother's side of the family is very separated on account of my grandmother, but she thinks everything is perfect, but it ain't!!! All I know is Karma's a b!+ch, hope she ready for it!!! I never understood why or how someone could be so mean and evil, it doesn't make sense!!!