Forgive and forget?

My oldest sister has issues. She was doing drugs for awhile. I didn’t know so I let her hold my son as a newborn. She was nearly shaking him because she was trying to bounce him. My sister is a little off without the drugs so I told her he was spitting up a lot and not to do that and I took him away. It wasn’t long enough to hurt him. I then walked in on her trying to steal my painkillers. I had just given birth and had so many stitches and the stitches were infected so although I wasn’t taking many I still needed them. She acted like she was getting them for me but she wasn’t. That’s how my family discovered her drug problem. I didn’t let her near my baby again. She moved across the country to get away from all the negative people and now she’s clean and sober. I’m really proud of her. She wants us all to come visit. It’s been 18 months since she was almost shaking my son but I’m not sure if I can get over it. My family said I should just get over it but I trusted her before and she could have really hurt my son. I just don’t know what I should do