Is Vegan the cure all!!???

Ambyr • 🦄 for life ✌🏼

So... here’s what I’m dealing with...

I am 5’6 and fluctuate between 220 and 230 (I go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week) I have been ttc for almost 2 years now, but have been having some medical stuff going on... some cysts (not PCOS), and diagnosed Hypothyroidism (my Dr said no need for meds), an extremely bad bladder infection that went into my liver (although I had been going to the Drs for the pain, they didn’t “catch” it somehow), but I have horrible cervical stabbing cramps all the time, irregular cycles and spotting almost 75% of the time with dark dark red/black blood...

So I’ve gone to the Drs 3 times specifically for this and she sent me for an ultrasound on my uterus, which came back with a thick lining but she said there’s nothing she can do...

The last 2 appointments she has scolded me and told me that if I really wanted to lose weight (because apparently to her, if I’d just lose 10 pounds I’d get pregnant) that I would become Vegan and that the meat is what’s causing me to have hormonal issues. She said her daughter has a YouTube channel I need to join so I can get healthy, I’ve heard her say that at least 7 times in the 2 appointments..

She said that if I just became Vegan that it would take care of the Hypothyroidism and Endometriosis (an Urgent Care Dr felt very strongly that’s what I have).. and that if everyone became vegan that there would be none of the health problems we have now a days... she said this is the future of medicine and she is 10 years ahead of the game!

I was sitting there crying, with my oldest daughter (she’s 19) while this lady said I ruined my body by being on birth control (I had 2 IUD Mirenas for a total of 9 years) for so long and that the hormones is stored in all my fat. My daughter was so upset she was shaking and finally told the Dr that she needed to send me for more testing. (Side note: my daughter finally picked a major from this experience, she’s going to be a gynecologist.. yay!)

She reluctantly sent in an authorization for a Laparoscopy...

But I wanted to see if anyone was able to “cure” themselves with their health issues by becoming Vegan?

I do want to add that I am a true believer in healthy diets and that what you put into your body can affect health... but I also know that genetics and predispositions play a role as well.

Thanks for reading this far... sorry it’s so long