
I took a couple tests, about 2 weeks ago, both very positive. We were so happy about it too cause we had just started trying for another... we told just our parents just in case since my husband works away from home.. literally the next day I started spotting.. whatever ya know? The following day I was in full on miscarriage mode... alone, at home with my 2 year old... I still don’t even know how to really feel about it.... I’ve been trying to convince myself, that it wasn’t meant to be, that it’s just a period... I couldn’t have been further than 7 weeks along... it’s just hard I guess, right? I’ve had a miscarriage before, as a young teenager, which I didn’t even feel sad about... but now, since we were actually trying to add on to our family, I can’t help but feel sad, because that wasn’t supposed to happen...