
Sorry this is long but I've had a rough 2 weeks.

So I went to my daughter 2 week appointment and they give you little questionnaires that they ask you if your coping with life after baby to see if you have the blues. Well the questions were not really specific so I wrote down how I was feeling which was anger and OCD like because my whole entire family is sick so I'm constantly cleaning and I'm also picking up after everyone the only one that helps me do anything is my son. My husband does very little. He watches and plays with our oldest daughter who is 1 1/2 years old and maybe will hold the baby long enough for me to take a shower. I'm pissed at this point so yesterday morning I woke up around 10:30 am to kids screaming because I had been up all night. New baby is a night owl and doesn't sleep 5 hours out of the night anyways, I try and get up to make coffee with a crying baby and a little girl on my legs and my husbands like you have the I'm going to flipp out on everyone look on my face. I was actually about too. Dishes weren't clean and the loads of laundry weren't done I had been up all night with 2 crying children and my house was a mess of course I'm going to flipp out. I'm already working because financially I can't afford to take maternity leave, and I got told I'm working all week. Which I'm literally going to pass out one day. I barley eat, loss of appetite and I barley sleep! And no one besides my oldest son wants to help around the house. I can't put that on him. He's only 9. I feel like he does so much already so now I'm guilty of stealing his childhood even though he's like it's okay mommy I got you what do you need help with. I just wish my husband wasn't on his phone watching you tube all the time so he could be like hey babe I made dinner or don't worry I washed and boiled the bottles or hey baby the clothes are folded. But no, nothing. I'm just fed up and done. I asked to to watch the kids so I could finally go get a hair cut tomorrow and he was like oh so your going to take two babies to go get your haircut. I was like do you take babies to get your hair cut and he was like no, so now I don't get a hair cut tomorrow after it's been 2 years since I had one. Then he jokes around with his mom saying that our newborn isn't his. Both when do I have time to go mess around. I work all damn day and all night. I have 2 babies joined at the hip on me and 4 other kids that I worry about on a regular basis. When the heck would I have time to go mess around with anyone else. Then when she leaves it's all ooh baby give me the baby so you can go make dinner or here baby I'll feed her so you can go to the bathroom (not by myself of course my youngest daughter follows me everywhere). I just feel like I'm a single mom all over again, and I swear if he says that crap one more time I'm going to loose my shit! That's one thing I don't play about we are married and I do not break my damn vows. I have said this many of times to my boys father, I will buy the paternity test and when it comes back positive, you better start begging for my forgiveness and our child's and pray I don't tell them in the future what you've said to me!!! Alll I need to know is if I have postpartum, or if this is something totally different because I feel like I'm about to loose my shit!