
You know, constipation sucks...

You know what else sucks? Being so backed up that your xrays look like a black twister about to touch down and being perscribed a laxative.

What some extra suck? When you take that laxitive and then go to a fancy restraunt and get food poisoning on top of that laxitive. So now your only friend is your cell phone, water bottle, and toilet.

Little sprinkles of suck: your nose has decided to get stuffy on top of the rolling waves of cramping, and but when you try to inhale to get enough air you get a big wiff of cat pee because you decided it would be better to just have the littler box in the bathroom because the floor is tile instead of carpet. Fuck you past me. 🖕


Day 12 on the toilet:

The hour's are dark at 4:50am on Sunday. I wonder about the outside world. If you're reading this please check on my car because I left the windows down. As I fear I will not leave this thrown. Tell my was your turn to clean the litter box.