Symptoms of a cyst?


I need some help here. I can’t get into the doc for two more weeks. My most recent cycle was super weird. I was 13 days late, but I went through all the PMS symptoms when it would have been on time. I took the month off of Clomid in August, so maybe I ovulated late or not at all this time, but it was still strange. Anyway, when my period did come, it was a lot shorter and lighter than usual. I barely spotted one day, only really bled for two days, and then nothing for a day and one moment of spotting the next day. Nothing now. Usually I’m a consistent 4-day bleeder, 3 day spotter. Since my period, I’ve felt really queasy and I threw up once on Friday and once this morning. (Took another hpt just to calm my brain down, but it’s definitely bfn). Yesterday and today I’ve felt some pressure and some twinges near my ovaries and I feel like it might be a cyst. I’ve never had one before so I don’t know exactly what to look for. But my friend said that the twinges of pain I felt were in the same spot hers was. I also noticed that when I cough, the spot hurts for a second from the pressure. My pelvic area feels fuller and I also keep having to pee. AND my freaking emotions are like a roller coaster. I don’t know what’s happening with my body! 😭 The pain isn’t sharp though... just kind of dull. Can that still be a cyst? Would the weird cycle, nausea, and vomiting be from that? Thoughts??