Is something wrong with my baby?

Mandy • 💏2012 🎀👶🏼1/10/14👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻2019👼🏻6/30/19,👼🏻5/31/20

Ok so back in June I lost a baby, I’d found out that the hcg levels were still rising and the sac was still growing but it was empty. They said the baby had died early on but it was like my body never got the memo because as I said every time I’d go get checked my hcg had risen and the gestational sac had grown. I’m sooooo scared that it’s happening all over again now. I had to go to the er Wednesday for bad cramping, they did my hcg it was 495 and they did an ultrasound nothing for sure showed in it the tech said he thought he a gestational sac or the start of one but he wasn’t for sure on it. Friday I had my hcg checked and it was around 1442. I had to go back to the er today as the cramping still hasn’t stopped and again they did my hcg which was 3824 and they did another ultrasound. They saw a gestational sac for sure this time which is awesome but he couldn’t say for sure that he saw a yolk sac. He said the sac is measuring 5 weeks I’m really scared because by 5 weeks you should be seeing a heart beat and they can’t even say for sure that they see a yolk sac but it looks good because 4 days ago there was nothing and now there’s at least a sac but also I’m scared because with an hcg that high shouldn’t they be seeing more? I know your supposed to go off of the first day of the last period but technically your only pregnant after ovulation and ovulated August 31st so that’d make me about 3 weeks and that’d be right on track with what they were seeing in the scan but why did the sac measure 5 weeks!?!? I’m so confused and so scared please help me calm down about this