Life sucks

Jasmine • Wife 💍, mother to a 10 year old diva 💁🏽‍♀️, Suffering from a loss 7/12/18 👼🏽

Why is it soo hard to get pregnant for those that want babies and so easy for the ones that dont. need to have babies. Since my stepsister turned 13, she has been pregnant 7 times and she is 19 now. One baby was taken from her and was adopted by someone. The next two were abortions. The 4th my mother adopted. The 5th and 6th pregnancy was an abortion and she was pregnant with twins and now she is pregnant again and talking about abortion. She is selling her body in vegas and is on soo many drugs yet always pregnant. While i’ve been trying for 4 years, get pregnant and have a miscarriage at 10weeks! Life sucks!!