Struggling today

Laura • 4 miscarriages, one living child, pregnant again.

Hi ladies, I am really struggling today. Back story, my common law husband and i have been trying to have a baby for 8 months when I finally got a big fat positive. I was thrilled. I was even more thrilled when I found out my sister was having a baby due one week before me. My pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I continue to be excited for my sister but I am struggling. Today was her gender reveal. 90% of people there did not know I miscarried in July so I had to hold it together. Today was just one of those soul crushing days. I want to be experiencing the same excitement and joy. Instead I am back to waiting to see if i will get pregnant and now worry i wont stay pregnant. How have others coped with this? Will it get easier when people announce their pregnancy? PS I am going to have a nephew!