Early bleeding...another MC? Advice plz!


Hey ladies. I wanted to ask y’all if you experienced any early spotting/bleeding in early pregnancy (I am about 4 weeks with this baby). So far this pregnancy is very different than the other 2 I have had. I didn’t have a period between this pregnancy and my last that I lost in early August. I have been spotting/bleeding for a couple days. I had blood work done Friday, but won’t know results until tomorrow. OB put me on progesterone pills at night just to be safe. I have been taking pregnancy tests like a mad woman. I am so preoccupied with everything. I do not want to lose another baby. I have a 2 year old, so I know my body should be able to do this. I’m sure I will be getting more blood work done tomorrow again to see if my levels are rising. Do you have any advice? Anyone in a similar situation? Have any positive thoughts for me?