Vivid dreams 😣😣

Just like my last pregnancy, I've been having extremely vivid dreams! But 3/7 nights a week I have dreams about my ex!! Like that were together and often times doing the dirty!

Some back story .. My husband and I met while I was still with him.. We have been together 6.5 years married 2.5 of those.. Earlier this year I was chatting with my ex (sort of flirty) and my husband was completely okay with it and encouraging me to hook up with him (my husband is down for the whole swinging thing) obviously I didn't actually go through with it because we also decided to add to our family and I definitely wasn't going to be in the position of who's the father 😆 .. But I can't shake the dreams!

Does anyone else have dreams like this?! My first pregnancy I wiuld have more random dreams about things like zombies! Nothing like this!

I also want to add that this is not made up lol