It’s been a rough few days.

M • Happily married. Girl mom 💗💗💗

My daughter is 22 years old. I was a single parent and she was my best friend. She’s grown up now and joined the army. Got married. Lives far away.

I had a miscarriage in 2006 which didn’t hit me as hard because I wasn’t trying and didn’t even know I was pregnant. Only reason I found out was because I was having a medical procedure done and they had to do a pregnancy test first. Which came back positive. But I was already having what I thought was just the worst period of my life (a miscarriage).

It’s been 3 days since I started miscarrying. And it hurts. Physically, emotionally. I just feel empty, like a constant pit in my stomach.

I’ve become obsessed with all things baby and pregnancy and I’ve never been more anxious to be pregnant again. I just pray that my body heals quickly. Much faster then my heart. Baby dust to us all!