How can I do everything?

Da Bug • Annika's mommy🖤🖤🖤

I dont mean to offend anyone by this or be any way rude It's just a lot of people been saying I shouldn't depend on my grandma for a place to live even tho I state I'm 14 and pregnant. If you believe i should just say the reasoning because I honestly dont get it. Being 14 I can barely get a job and if I could find a job I could only work a few hours. I also can't drive to that place to work at. I can't even get a permit till next year. I can't ride a bike while being pregnant. How do I pay for rent, food, bills, and supplies for my baby? My Grandma made the decision to adopt me I never asked her too. I'm not asking her for any kind money to support my baby me and the father will do that on our own. (we have a plan already figured out) Yea, I do ask my mother to help a little bit in my life but nothing to do with the baby. I don't see what the big deal is if I ask her for some groceries and a little bit of money. She drops of my 3 year old brother on weekdays and she drops off both of my brothers on weekends for us to watch. While they are here they eat our food. Shes getting free baby sitting service why can't she pitch in for food? Why can't she give me some money to go out and do things or buy me some sneakers that I need and don't have or go to my first homecoming that I wasn't able to go to? She still had legal custody and is my mother so what she's doing is actually child neglect because she's not feeding me or dressing me. No, she doesn't know I'm pregnant so she has no excuse but that will be what she'll use as soon as she knows. I can't support myself in today's society, but with just a place to stay at I'll be able to support my baby by the help of the amazing daddy.

Update: The reason I asked for sneakers is I'm still in highschool i have to have them for my physical I can't do it in flip flops. Home coming is I just wanted am excuse to get money so I can save some. Spend the minimum. My grandma hasn't adopted me yet either. I'm still in my mother's custody. I will tell her I'm pregnant soon as I'm officially adopted. The reason why I haven't is because my mom will take me a way from the father and itll be all over social media like the rest of my life. My mom likes to act like a concern mother but shes not. She wouldn't even get me birth control cuz it make her look like the mother of the family whore because no one has been on birth control in my family when I asked was way before I was having sex in the first place. I do depend a bit on the dad because he's the only support I got I doubt he'll leave. If he was going to leave he wouldn't have told he's whole family, look for work, be finding a car so he can take me to appointments. Hes 16 he's able to do things I'm not. He won't leave hes attached to me and this baby I can tell my the way he talks about us. Besides his mother loves me lol shed make him help out if he wasn't already gonna on his own. Yea I'm young and did a dumb thing but the only way to make that dumb thing better is to be smart not put everything off on my family. I'm not having my child be another me. Classified as a mistake. My mom never wanted me that was the problem. She was a drunk 19 year old. She didn't want a girl either she wanted a boy. Soon as she got her boys all I was to her is a maid.