How Do You Keep Your Pregnancy a Secret?

I puke all through my pregnancies. Baby #3 seems no exception. This morning was the second time my 5 year old caught me throwing up.

I tried to hide it last time. This morning I went to the furthest bathroom. As far away from him as I could get. I shut the doors. And yet he said he could hear me throwing up again.

He goes to school and announces his mommy is puking. He did this last week during school assembly. I was able to play it off. Like I choked and got gagged. Which is the truth. I choked and that reflex caused me to puke . 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m 5 weeks and don’t have an appointment until October. I’m not ready to be out. My own mother doesn’t know. We just wanna hear a heartbeat before we make the world aware.

But 5 year olds, man, they’ve got no filter. And it isn’t like we live in a huge house. And if he keeps going to school or church and announcing it, I’m sunk. I’ve begged. BEGGED him not to say anything and he did anyways. His preschool teacher tells me all the time we have no secrets.

IDK what to do. I’ve begged. I’ve told. But I don’t feel like I can punish him for it either. Although part of me says, I told him not to say anything but he disobeyed. When really he’s asked people to pray bc his mommy was sick.

One time I can play it off. But he’s noticing it’s happening a lot. I’m at a loss.