Confused about a guy. What should I do?


tl;dr : I am talking to this one guy, we had our good moments. But the "relationship'' is hanging, idk what it is. We are both busy, so I don't want to pressure both of us. But I'm curious as well.

so I know this is going to be super long. the start would be a little awful as well.

I am 22, John is 33.

I met this guy(John) from a FWB (kevin). He is a best friend to Kevin. so Kevin lives somewhere close to my Uni ( town B) , and John lives close to my hometown( town K)

in March, Kevin gave me his number so I could contact John on my three month break at my hometown, and I did, we became really communicative, he was very talkative. so eventually, I stopped talking to Kevin because I was in infatuation to Kevin, he did not want to be in a relationship at that moment, and I tried to move on and got closer John, and I had with my infatuation moment with Kevin, so maybe at that point, I did not realise that John could be a rebound ( but I was not in a relationship with Kevin, so I am confused).

In May, I met John, and I did a really stupid thing by having sex with him on our first "date(?)''. He started to rarely talk to me, I liked him and wanted to talk to him more, but I guess it just did not work that way.

so time passed, in July, I came back to uni.. and before coming back, John kinda told me he was gonna move to somewhere close to my Uni for work. But I did not want to put any hopes on that or anything really. we both are from different beliefs. I'm in a religion, and he is an agnostic. and this could mean a lot, but honestly, idm being in a relationship with this guy, even for years, because I don't believe I would be marrying someone. idk. we talked a lot about the religions, I confronted to him that I'd want to be in a relationship with him, but religion was in between us. And eventually I convinced him, that it might gonna work if we try, and he kinda go with it.

and since then, we planned to meet once he came to town B, we'll be in touch. we texted a lot, about how we wanted to be sexually together. with mixes of important conversations, serious ones.

And here goes a problem, we never actually talked about relationships anymore. I was afraid to go back to that conversation. I assumed he did not want to be in a relationship with me, so I kinda go out and hang out with people. I wanted to get over him, but he was confusing.

This went on until Sept. He came here in town B, we finally met again, and the conversation was wonderful, we had sex and everything.. a week later , we met for a movie and went dinner, no sex, and had convos.

We text every day now, call each other babes, send stuffs, sharing stories but I'm so confused.

Last night, after my two weeks of break from uni, I went to his place again, it was late. like usual, we would have a conversation before going to bed. I wanted to ask him so badly, where is this going ? what should I do? Am I wasting my time? Where are we? I always wanted to ask these questions, but I don't think talking about it on text is enough and might be mistakenly taken by him.

We are both busy people, we have our own stress to handle, how bad it could be if I bring this up?

We went to bed, and left early morning for the day.

I like this guy. I don't wanna lose this guy, but I don't know where to begin, I'm stuck. Should I stop texting him for a bit, and get my courage altogether to ask him? or keep this going for as long as I could, because I will not be in a relationship with anyone, don't think I will, I guess it is okay to hurt a little