Crazy Birth story ❤️

Kate • Mommy to Zayden & Camilla

I was induced at 37 weeks due to preclampsia. Baby was high so they had me come in the night before and they were planning on doing cervadil. When I got to labor and delivery I was a 4,-2 and 50% effaced so they said cervadil was not needed and they told me to rest and that they would start pitocin at 5am. 5am comes and I hasent progressed at all. I start pitocin and they come at 9am to break my water and check me. I was a 5, -2 and 60% effaced. I got my epidural and it wasent working only half of my body was numb so they came back in and tried to figure out what was going on, I was having back to back contractions and I asked her to check me and she said I was still the same 😩. So they put my catheter and I start throwing up violently and pee all over my self during it. Yay. Then the anistesolgist comes back in and gives me a huge dose of medicine in my epidural to numb me and says he’ll be back in 20 minuets to check if it kicked in that was at 10am. At 10:20 I told her to check me because I was feeling lots of pressure. She did and was like “woah ur a 10 stay still” my dr was next door rolling someone out for a c section he comes in to check me and thinks she’s high and that I’ll need lots of practice pushing so he decides to go do the c section, then he says well show me one practice push. I do it and he says “woah nope roll the csection back in her room she’s going first. 3 pushes later little miss camilla was born at 10:49 am weighing 6lbs 14oz and 19 inches. They were surprised how fast I went. The doctor for the epidural came in and asked if it kicked in and I was like I already delivered and he was like “woah what!!” Then my epidural kicked in and I was numb in bed for two hours lol all worth it in the end