It’s a Boy!! Griffin Eugene you are so loved!


At 3:30 am I got up to use the restroom..(for the 1000th time that night) I got back in bed and heard my son on the baby monitor. I sat up and bam my water broke! I didn’t know for sure so I woke my husband saying “babe! Either my water broke or I’m peeing the bed!!!” Haha it’s such a weird feeling! I called my midwife and she told me I had 24hours to head to hospital. So I decided I’d try and labor at home then head in once contractions started. Well they got to 7min apart by 5:30am so we decided to pack our bags and take my son to his Nana and papas house. We stopped for breakfast at McDonald’s and made it to the hospital at 7am.... i was sure I had to be dilated to atleast a 3 for how long I had been contracting...nope... I was barely a 1!!! With my first son when I got to the hospital I was a 5 so this was new to me and very disappointing BUT since my water had broke I was admitted. Well my contractions stalled so they started Pitocin... HOLY MOLY does Pitocin cause miserable contractions! Well I made it until 3:30pm and asked for an epidural. They checked me and I was a 5cm. By 4:45 I was ready to push! 3 simple pushes later and my handsome baby boy was born. We were team green and hearing my husband yell “it’s a boy!” As he pulled Griffin out was incredible!! I’ll never forget that moment!

Griffin Eugene 6lbs 11oz