Tailbone Pain


I am looking to see if anyone else has experienced this during delivery and if so, how long did you have it for post delivery and what did you do to alleviate any discomfort?

During my delivery I received an epidural and dilated from 3cm to 10cm in two hours. When it was time to push I could not feel anything. Following the birth of my daughter not only did I have normal discomfort but I found that my tailbone hurt so bad! Sitting and standing was very difficult and painful. Doctor said it could have been my daughters position during labor and could be a dislocation of my tailbone. I was informed that it could take up to two months to fully heal...!

It’s not been almost a month and I feel great overall however, I still feel pain sometimes with sitting and standing and definitely cannot sit on any hard chairs.

I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to help with the healing process or if I just have to wait it out.