September 30th baby became a September 24, 2018

Mier Faith • Mommy to baby #1 😇 TTC #2
September 30th baby became a September 24, 2018.. @ 1am, I woke up to this painful non stop cramping right at the waist area. I told myself, it's not time yet & tried to sleep through them. 29 minutes pass & I just couldn't take it. I call my dads phone to wake him up & my parents come rushing to my bed & try to get me to stand up & walk because I was just in so much pain to even move at that point. I cried & cried.. & by 1:50 we were on the way to my hospital of labor & delivery. 2:20am I reach the hospital & get checked. I am 3cm. I continued to breathe in & out througg the contractions. By 3am, I was asking for the epidural just incase I wouldn't be able to tolerate the pain anymore. 3:30am, I was relieved. Hours went by as I laid in bed, ate, watched tv & chatted with my loved ones. 8:45am they come in to check me again.. 
HUGE JUMP, I AM NOW 9CM DIALATED within just a few hours. I was expecting to have him at night time! They then break my water & tell me I needa wait 2 hours more. The contractions were hitting every second non stop, thankfully I didn't feel one of them at all!! 
10:45 comes & they tell me it's time.. 
i begin to push as directed, my baby's heart begins to drop a few.. they then tell me to wait another 20 minutes before I could push again. We give it a try after those 20 mins, until I failed to push again as I was numb due to the epidural. After those 20 mins past, I push & push.. but nothing.. turns out he was head down, low, but he was facing alittle to the left. The doctor then puts her hand into my vagina & turns his head correctly. Next thing I know it's now 11:45am, they're breaking down the options to me of a vacuum or possible c-section. I told them I'd like to try the vacuum if i can't get him out by pushing still. It's now 12:15, they tell me it's time to try the vaccum with only 3 pushes to hold for 10 seconds each or else I'm getting rushed for an emergency c section.. 
I DEFINITELY wanted to avoid that at all costs due to it being my first pregnancy. 12:18 I start with my first push! They all yell I'm doing great!! They tell me I got 2 more.. I'm starting to feel weak after all the pushing.. 2nd push in, almost but no view of head.. they warn me it's my last chance as they have the vacuum in already.. I tell myself I gotta push him out or I'm going in for that c section.. I'm numb, & tired, & etc. but I give it everything I got & pushed that last push for 15 seconds! 
And then...
My beautiful first born Caleb Legaspi was born at exactly 12:22pm on September 24, 2018 weighing 5.12lbs & 18in. Long at 39 weeks & 1 day! (So small for a 39 weeker.. I know!! Lol)