Horrible midwife.


Yesterday I had terrible back pain, worst than period back ache. I ended up with this strong regular sort of pulsing in my lower back that i physically looked in pain, i couldn't move or breath. I was sitting down when it happened. It disappeared and i had stronger back ache. Through the evening it came and went this pulsing. I took tablets i tried relaxing nothing helped. All night i had it, with pains at the front coming too. Im 27weeks today. Concerned that nothing was shifting the pain i rang triage, couldn't get through. Rang and rang again, waiting on the line. Hurting in one of the episodes i rang my midwife number in tears saying i cant get through im really hurting. To be told "sorry i shouldnt of picked the phone up but the ringing was annoying me". I said i was sorry i just need either a different number or something and all i got back was "look im doing 3 things at once, i got a lady i need to call in... ring triage" and had the phone put down. I sobbed my heart out, may be hormones too, but i dont react to pain. I get on with it blah blah so i know when it hurts it bloody hurts. I finally get through to triage and told that pain is fine 😖 i dont know whether it is or not!?