5 weeks after birth 😨 period? Is this normal?


TMI but I need help, I am a first time mom and I’m scared, after I had my baby I bleed ALOT I had to be put on IV to control the bleeding then once it was controlled they sent me home, I was bleeding for 3 weeks after birth and it was light bleeding, then on the 4th week I stopped bleeding and was having just light brown discharge, and some days nothing at all, now it’s the 5th week almost 6 weeks, and I think it’s my period I have no idea, I started on Sunday so just 2-3 days ago, and it was kinda heavy but I didn’t worry, but today this happened it’s only been two hours and its this full? Is it normal? I know after birth right away it isn’t normal to fill a pad if so I had to call my dr or go to the hospital right away, but for having a first time period would this be considered normal? And I’m also having dull aching pain just mild pain around the outside of my vagina 😪

Btw here’s my little man ❤️ he was a premature he weighed 5 pounds and 9 ounces ❤️ my world