Do you see a positive?

Selena • Fur baby mom, pregnant with my first baby due September 2020 🤞🏻💖

Hi, I've been ttc for some time now. I've always found at least one positive in my opk tests. Now that a few days have went on, it almost looks like 9/20 is a positive, but the day of I swear it looked lighter. I started clomid for the first time this month. My calendars on my phone always spot on for my ovulation days which according to them should have been either 9/25 or 9/26. But this month it is not matching and I think the clomid may have something to do with it. I also screwed up and started testing the 6th day after my clomid ended instead of the 3rd day as the doctor instructed. Do you think the 20th was my day? Or maybe I missed it because I started testing 3 days later than I should and the clomid made me ovulate early? Glow keeps updating my ovulation day so now it says its not for two more days... Should I just keep testing? Help!! Please and thanks!!