Postpartum hemorrhoids


So I’m a month postpartum. I have internal and external hemorrhoids that came on during late pregnancy because of a bout of bad constipation. After giving birth everything was going well for about a week and then all of the sudden my stool just turned to glass. I was taking iron plus taking a prenatal but took myself off of them both because I figured they were the culprit. Once again, things were getting better, but now a week later I’m experiencing a lot of pain and some bleeding when i go. Last time I went there was even blood in the bowl. I go every day so it’s not like I’m stopped up. I don’t strain to go either. My stools are just really hard. I’m afraid if this goes on of getting some sort of colon damage(is that possible?) I’ve been taking 4 dulcolax a day. I’m thinking about adding Miralax into the mix as well since it doesn’t look like the dulcolax is helping much. I use prep H and witch hazel pads as well. They help slightly. Is there anything that you all would suggest that maybe I’m missing, or do you think it’s to the point that I should get a referral to a gastro dr?