

At 11:40pm I got up to use the bathroom, i pee like normal and usually at nights i have trouble sleeping so i decided to do my laundry that was in the dryer. While folding laundry i started to leak, i ignored it think its pee from the baby pushing on it. After i finished the laundry i started to leak again and more as i started to move to my room to put away the clothes. Again i ignore it thinking its pee leaking out, i go back grab the rest of the clothes and when i got to my room i started to feel like i was about to pee myself so i ran to the bathroom to pee. It gushes out a little and i look at my underwear and see a big like a big wet spot thats the size of a tennis ball. I tell myself theres no way thats pee! I smell it and doesnt smell like pee as well. I wipe and see clear mucus on the wipe, then i look into the toilet bowl and see a big clear mucus in it too.( btw the "pee" was clear as day) When i went to lay back in bed i started to feel little bit of pain but it went away. i dont know if i pee? or that my water is leaking a little? FTM