I messed up.


Alright ya'll I need advice my friends keep telling me "He'll get over it." I DONNO. I'm 25, a virgin, social anxiety, it sucks. Anyway. I was out with the guy I'm seeing we've talked off and on for about a year now and he finally made a move on our way back from dinner. Terribly. He grabbed my thigh while I was driving and I jumped he asked if I was comfortable with him touching me and I said yes. However his hand went between my legs and of course I was okay with it but I was driving and overwhelmed and afraid I'd kill us both and basically yelled at him to stop. He did he was obviously annoyed but when we got to his place he kissed the heck out of me then got out told me to text him when I got home and walked away. He's barely spoken to me since other than 2 or 1 one word responses. I donno what I should do.